Sunday, October 30, 2022

Pearly Penile Papules Treatment Using Cryotherapy

Cryosurgery or Cryotherapy uses liquid nitrogen and is performed for many types of dermatological circumstances like genital condylomata, pre-cancerous skin conditions (actinic keratoses), and other types of skin cancers and warts. 

However, deeper skin cancers are not treated with this method because cryotherapy cannot get rid of their cancerous cells.

With the use of a cotton swab, it absorbs small dosages of liquid nitrogen before it is placed on the skin. This is done repetitively to assure complete freezing of the PPP. 

Advanced specialists have a stick instrument that produces constant application of liquid nitrogen until the targeted area freezes.

Here are some disadvantages regarding cryotherapy: The bumps being treated may end up in three ways:

  • Sometimes, the freezing procedure is insufficient. While the skin repairs itself, it will need to be treated again.
  • The tissue cells die because the lesion can sustain a significant freezing burn and the PPP or other tissues get swamped after about a week.
  • The application of cold to some conditions, like warts caused by viruses, can fail to freeze off!

In line with this, there were many disputes regarding Cryotherapy's efficacy.

There had been claims that Cryosurgery or freezing is often offered by doctors who are not familiar with or educated about pearly penile papules. 

Unfortunately, according to various reports, cryosurgery or freezing is not effective in removing pearly penile papules.

In a fact, this type of surgery is an effective treatment for warts and other skin cases and lesions. The application of liquid nitrogen to a wart is at a temperature of 196 degrees centigrade below zero. 

This will cause the skin to blister underneath the wart. After about two weeks, the blister will then form like a crust and chip. The treated warts leave little or no scar. The process may cause some slight pigmentation for a while longer but will gradually fade.

But be warned, it may seem easy but freezing treatment can be painful. Sores may sprout for one day or more. Plus, there is a possibility of scarring the skin which surrounds it. Worse, it might also damage the tissues beneath including tendons or nerves.

Whitish or yellowish mucous that may come out from the broken blisters is another problem.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

The real question is… how can you remove Pearly penile papules? And is it even possible? Well, here’s the good news… I’ve discovered an all-natural solution that WORKS. You see, not only has it worked for me… But thousands of guys have removed their pearly penile papules with it as well… so you know you can too. 

Best of all… it’s 100% natural and you can do it yourself in the privacy of your own home. Trust me, you’ll thank me once you’ve used it. You can find out more here.