There are a lot of organic and homemade solutions offered everywhere. On the other hand, some procedures, ointments, pills, and creams are not helpful for PPP.
Not only does it hinder the PPP from disappearing but also the bumps might get swollen and infected.
Anti-Wrinkle Creams Will Wrinkle It
Anti-aging creams are defined as predominantly moisturizer-based cosmetically skin care products which are marketed with the promise of making the consumer look younger by reducing visible wrinkles, expression lines, blemishes, pigmentation changes, discolorations, and other related conditions of the skin.
If you have observed, the list above does not state anything about PPP reduction or anything that would relate to it. People should not confuse the cosmetic condition of PPP with the context of the term “cosmetic” that anti-aging creams are referring to.
One may argue that the toothpaste also does not say that it can be used to remove facial pimples and PPP bumps. However, it just so happens that the ingredients of toothpaste are applicable to the condition while the contents of the anti-wrinkle creams do not.
Your Pearly Penile Papules is not a wrinkle therefore do not apply anti-wrinkle or anti-aging creams on its surface.
In addition, despite the great demand for such creams, many of its products and treatments have not been proven to grant lasting or major positive effects. One study found that the best performing creams claiming they reduced wrinkles by less than 10% over three months have results that are in fact not visible to the human eye.
Another study found that inexpensive moisturizers were as effective as high-priced anti-wrinkle creams. However, recent studies at Manchester University confirmed that some ingredients have a slight effect.
With that said, hopefully, this would serve as a warning because it might infect your PPP if pursued. Below is a testimonial from an anonymous guy who used anti-wrinkle cream before:
“Don’t use certain creams, I stopped treatment for 3 days, went surfing, and applied anti-wrinkle cream with Retinol-A in it. They came back as they were; I think it’s a sign that I’m doing something wrong or it’s just not working.”
Pearly Penile Papules result in low self-esteem and can affect a man’s lifestyle in numerous ways. If you are suffering from the effects of having papules, then it’s time you find out the perfect solution for you:
CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this
The real question is… how can you remove Pearly penile papules? And is it even possible? Well, here’s the good news… I’ve discovered an all-natural solution that WORKS. You see, not only has it worked for me… But thousands of guys have removed their pearly penile papules with it as well… so you know you can too.
Best of all… it’s 100% natural and you can do it yourself in the privacy of your own home. Trust me, you’ll thank me once you’ve used it. You can find out more here.