Friday, November 12, 2021

Pearly Penile Papules Home Remedies — Top 3 Home Remedies

Pearly penile papules also called hirsuitoid papillomas or hirsuties coronae glandis are a very common skin disorder that is also quite normal especially in men at a younger age and those who have been circumcised. 

Characterized by rows of small white pearly or flesh-colored protrusions arranged neatly along the base of the corona or glans of the penis, these papules are harmless and usually disappear over a period of time.

These are not at all contagious and as most fear, these are not a disease or sexually transmitted conditions. One has to be clear that these are only normal skin disorders.

Pearly Penile Papules Home Remedies

Always there are natural ways to cure any disease but, the drug mafia will never promote it and they defame every natural treatment as unscientific. However, they themselves may use natural methods to treat. Home remedy for Pearly PP could remove penis bumps permanently. It will cost you almost nothing as you could find all the remedies in your kitchen rack.

Some examples of PPP do-it-yourself removal are as follows.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is one of the common methods used to eliminate penile papules. This oil is a common natural remedy for many conditions as it is antibacterial, antifungal as well as contains many other healing properties.

Many men with penile papules that have tried using tea tree oil to treat these bumps have experienced a significant reduction in these tiny bumps which certainly makes it worth considering. This is not only an effective natural treatment but it is also cheap and comes with few or no side effects when applied to the penis.

When using tea tree oil, clean the area first to ensure that there will be nothing on the skin that will interfere with the activity of tea tree oil. Place a few drops of tea tree oil on a cotton swab and gently wipe the affected area. 

It may tingle but it shouldn’t be more than you can bear. If you prefer, you can also dilute the tea tree oil in another carrier oil such as olive oil, sweet almond oil, apricot kernel oil or castor oil that is discussed below.

If used without dilution, the area will not be oily but if you dilute this essential oil in a carrier oil, there may be some oiliness that you will have to deal with. Apply this to the penis 3 times a day and give it time to work because the results may take some time. Although this is a relatively safe natural remedy, do not use it if you are allergic to tea trees and do not ingest tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is toxic when ingested.

2. Castor Oil

Castor oil is another common remedy that is used as a natural treatment for various diseases and conditions. Castor oil like tea tree oil is antifungal and antibacterial and also contains many other healing properties which are why it is one of the best ways how to get rid of penile papules at home.

This is a thick oil and the method of application is similar to that used for the tea tree oil. You can even combine the two if you wish. The only difference in application is that when you use castor oil, you want to ensure that you cover the area with a bandage, plastic wrap, etc, to keep the oil from transferring somewhere else. Apply a thin layer to the area and cover. It is not necessary to cover tea tree oil because it is quickly absorbed into the skin.

3. Use of AHA

Alpha hydroxy acid or AHA is usually sold in cream form, which is then applied specifically on the PPP. Although the chemical is low level, it manages to peel off the skin, causing pearly penile papules removal. 

For this reason, spreading AHA on any other part of the skin is discouraged. Although the method has been known to be effective, it might be safer to go for more natural methods as the risk is likely not worth the effort.

Last, but not least, these homemade remedies can be done at home, so that you will avoid all that exposure and the embarrassment which comes with it. If you stick to the methods which have already been proved effective, you have all the chances of getting rid of pearly penile papules without ever visiting a doctor or showing anyone your condition. This is one of the biggest reasons for which men will go for homemade remedies rather than for medical procedures.

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How I Cured My Pearly Penile Papules in 5 Days?

So if you are looking for a less risky and yet more effective way for pearly penile papules removal in 5 Days? 

Click here to find out more about PPP, their causes, prevention, and even ways to get them removed in the comfort of your own home.

Pros and Cons of Surgery for Pearly Penile Papules

There are a number of pros and cons when considering surgery for pearly penile papules. As with most minor surgical procedures, the odds of coming out of surgery with a positive result are very good, but there are a number of risks that patients will need to know before electing to go under the knife or laser. 

Understanding both the good and the bad when considering surgery for papules will allow patients to make an educated choice on their treatment options.

Permanent Removal of Papules

Pearly penile papules are growths that appear around the head of the penis. These growths are non-life-threatening and are more of an aesthetic nuisance than anything else. For those men that are concerned about how these papules make their penises appear, surgery may seem like the best option. 

Surgery does result in complete removal of the growths and will leave the penis appearing as though it never had anything done to it. However, there are a number of problems that could result from having surgery.

Pain with Surgery

Surgery involves having the papules cut off of the penis. The surgical instrument used to cut the papules is a scalpel. Numbing anesthetics are used to decrease the feeling in the penis while it is being cut, but some men do report that they are able to feel some amount of pressure as the procedure is being done. While this may make some men a little leery when considering surgery, it is encouraging to know that most men report no great amount of pain with the procedure.

Infections After the Procedure

Having surgery means that the integrity of the skin will be affected. Any time a puncture or incision is made into the skin, there is a risk that the incision will develop a bacterial infection. This risk is increased when men do not allow adequate healing time between surgery and participating in sexual activity. 

There is usually a healing period that is required from the time that the surgery takes place and the time when sexual activity can be resumed. Those men that follow their doctor’s recommendations will have an easier time recovering.

While it may seem that there are more cons to surgery than pros, keep your original reason for electing surgery in mind. Having the papules removed will allow patients to experience sexual activity without the risk of worrying if their partners feel uncomfortable with the appearance of their penis. The choice to have surgery is up to you. If you need more information about the procedure, contact your physician for details.

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How I Cured My Pearly Penile Papules in 5 Days?

So if you are looking for a less risky and yet more effective way for pearly penile papules removal in 5 Days? 

Click here to find out more about PPP, their causes, prevention, and even ways to get them removed in the comfort of your own home.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Latest Update on What Causes Pearly Penile Papules and How to Treat It

Are you wondering what causes pearly penile papules? If you are, it may be because you have noticed the presence of these small areas. You may think you do. The good news is that they are fairly common and occur in about 25 percent of all men.

The condition is not one that has any serious health consequences and that means there is nothing to worry about if you do have them. However, because they can create an embarrassing situation for many men, it is a good idea to talk to a provider about them so you can get rid of them.

The Causes

What causes pearly penile papules? The good news is that they do not come from any type of sexually transmitted condition. In fact, they are just a normal part of the body for some people.

Just as your body may have freckles or you may have oddly shaped toes, this is a difference that some men have in their physical makeup. As a normal anatomic variant, it is important to understand that though they do occur in many men, they do not have to remain there. You can get rid of them.

Some things to keep in mind:

They are not contagious to other people.

  • This condition does not pose any type of health risk to you even though they look like other types of sexually transmitted diseases.
  • You cannot get them from having sex or give them to someone else in this act.
  • They are not a form of cancer and there is no long-term risk of developing cancer as a result of having them.
  • They are not warts and do not have any of the health risks or complications associated with warts.
  • They do not cause any difference in performance in a sexual environment. They do not affect a man’s fertility either.
  • They are not the result of poor hygiene. If you have them, it does not mean you are failing to care for your body.

When asking, “what causes pearly penile papules?” the fact is, there is no true understanding of what the actual cause is. It may be hereditary factors. You may have this condition just because your genes say you should have it. 

If you notice these small, dome-shaped bumps on your skin or thread-like areas, do not be alarmed by them. There is no risk to you as a result of having them. The problem is not one that you have to live with, though. You can find treatment options for getting rid of them or lessening their overall presence.

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How to Get Rid of Pearly Penile Papules — Cure PPP in 5 Days (100% GUARANTEED WITH PROOF)

So if you are looking for a less risky and yet more effective way for pearly penile papules removal in 5 Days? 

Click here to find out more about PPP, their causes, prevention, and even ways to get them removed in the comfort of your own home.

Friday, February 26, 2021

Can Toothpaste Get Rid of Pearly Penile Papules? Here Is the TRUTH

There are many different treatments for pearly penile papules. One of the ones I want to discuss is the toothpaste treatment for pearly penile papules.

You may have already tried the different oils which may have included tea tree oil, castor oil, baby oil, and maybe even eucalyptus oil. These are all oils. The difference with the toothpaste treatment is that it is based on a drying effect that makes the difference.

How Effective is It to Use pearly penile papules Toothpaste Removal Method?

It is scientifically proven that toothpaste does not cause any side effects or health problems if used for curing pearly penile papules. Once you have decided to use the toothpaste treatment method for curing your pearly penile papules, the first thing you have to do is to choose the toothpaste to be used for this purpose. You don’t need to buy a special type of toothpaste; In fact, any toothpaste can fulfill your need.

However, you must avoid the paste that contains mint and also avoid the one that contains some kind of chemical to give extra whitening to the teeth as both of these may cause minor side effects such as rashes or itching. If your toothpaste does not contain unnecessary additives, it is good for you.

My Experience With Toothpaste

So, I tried this home remedy by applying small amounts of toothpaste to the affected area. I did it for one week. I never felt any burning, but I also didn’t notice any change. It seemed to be that the toothpaste did absolutely nothing to my pearly penile papules. It didn’t help them or make them better.

If you want to give the pearly penile papules toothpaste treatment a shot, I say go ahead. If it burns, just stop trying it. If it helps, then that’s awesome. However, you’re probably going to have the same results as I did, and nothing will happen.

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How I Cured My Pearly Penile Papules in 5 Days?

So if you are looking for a less risky and yet more effective way for pearly penile papules removal in 5 Days? 

Click here to find out more about PPP, their causes, prevention, and even ways to get them removed in the comfort of your own home.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

How Do You Use Castor Oil for Pearly Penile Papules?

The medical treatment for pearly penile papules involves bumps removal by using surgical procedures with dermatological devices such as laser or Hyfrecator. However, this type of medical treatment is quite expensive, so not many people can take advantage of it.

In addition to that, people who have undergone one or another treatment for pearly penile papules have reported side effects, while others said that after a period of time the condition reappeared, which made the surgery quite inefficient.

This is why homemade remedies can represent salvation for people who do not have enough money to perform a surgery. They are cheap, easy to use, and quite effective in treating ugly bumps. Thus, they are greatly preferred in favor of the surgery. Yet, what many people do not understand is that homemade remedies take time to prove effective.

For example, castor oil, one of the largest used home remedies for pearly penile papules must be used three or four times each and every day for a period that spans between a month and even 2 months or more. 

In fact, there is no determined period in which this treatment would start showing its results. The main disadvantage of this method is that it will take one to two months to remove all the Papules from your penis.

It all depends on your skin and on the severity of your condition. The more serious the condition is, the more time it will need to be removed. Thus, patience is the key when it comes to home treatments.

How Do You Use Castor Oil for Pearly Penile Papules?

Dip one cotton ball into Castor oil and dump it onto the bumps during the morning and at night. Alternatively, for larger treatment areas, soak a big piece of unbleached cotton cloth in the oil and wrap the affected area overnight. You may also want to try a Band-Aid, Drench it in Castor Oil, and cover the pearly penile papules overnight.

If after two days there are still traces of pearly bumps, it is recommended to pour a small amount of Epsom Salt and let it stay for 10–15 minutes to soften and disinfect the penis’ skin before applying. This can help speed up the healing process.

For maintenance, you may also want to try this. Fold a small flannel cloth into two or three, just be sure it is thick enough and can support your penis. Pour castor oil into a warm pan and soak the cloth in the oil.

Squeeze out the cloth but still keep it wet but not sappy with the castor oil. Apply the cloth to the area which needs treatment.

You may or may not clean the skin afterward. If desired, use water and prepare it in this manner: get a ¼ cup of water then add two teaspoons of baking soda. Mix well and then use this to cleanse the penis, particularly the PPP-affected area. Keep the flannel pack for future use. Do not discard it after one application because can still be used several times.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

How I Cured My Pearly Penile Papules in 5 Days?

So if you are looking for a less risky and yet more effective way for pearly penile papules removal in 5 Days? 

Click here to find out more about PPP, their causes, prevention, and even ways to get them removed in the comfort of your own home.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Can Circumcision Get Rid of Pearly Penile Papules?

Male circumcision refers to the removal of the foreskin of the penis, the skin covering its tip. The foreskin also called the prepuce, is a natural and retractile protective covering of the glans of the penis. This is the most erotogenic area of the penis that contains specialized nerve receptors and stretch receptors. It has over 240 feet of nerves and over 1,000 nerve endings.

Although routine circumcision is not recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics, some parents opt to have their male children circumcised. The decision to have their children circumcised usually depends on the parents’ religious, cultural, and personal beliefs and preferences.

Can Circumcision Get Rid of Pearly Penile Papules?

Pearly penile papules are very common among men of 20–30 years, but they can also appear before or after this span of time. It is mainly thought that most men experiencing this condition are uncircumcised men. Thus many men suffering from this condition decided to undergo the procedure of circumcision so that they will be treated for this condition. However, the results they have were unsatisfactory.

First of all, it is necessary to be said that even though the cases of pearly penile papules are significantly lower in the case of circumcised men, there are men who have undergone circumcision and still had to cope with this condition. So, as a method of prevention, circumcision can be a solution, but not one which will be 100% guaranteed.

This means that you can go through all the pain of this operation and still end up having pearly penile papules. This is why, before actually taking this step, you will have to consider it carefully and look at the advantages and disadvantages of such a procedure.

As a means of treatment, circumcision is even less effective. In fact, in order to have a circumcision, you will have first to get rid of the pearly penile papules. In this case, the actual operation is useless if done only to treat the papules.

The only reason for which you would still do it is that of prevention. As you probably know, pearly penile papules can disappear for a period and reappear after a certain amount of time. Thus, you can choose to undergo circumcision in the hope that you will not have to deal with pearly penile papules in the future. Yet, as shown above, there is no clear evidence that circumcision will get you rid of pearly penile papules.

Thus, undergoing circumcision only for preventing or treating pearly penile papules is not a good idea. In fact, this method is not at all effective and you cannot have the guarantee that everything you went through will help you in the end. If you want to get rid of pearly penile papules you should look for another type of treatment which is effective and which can truly help you out.

Natural Alternatives (Which I HIGHLY Recommend)

The best natural alternative for getting rid of these penile papules is the Pearly Penile Papules Removal guide. This guide is delivered in form of an e-book that contains a natural solution explained in simple step-by-step instructions on how to get rid of pearly penile papules.

It helps that Josh Marvin, the creator of this solution, has suffered from these penile papules himself once in his life and so you can trust that he knows firsthand what it is like having them and the treatment options that are likely to work.

After successfully overcoming this harmless but discomforting condition, Josh decided to share the secrets he used to naturally get rid of the penile papules with thousands of men that might be grappling with these tiny things.

In this system, Josh does a great job of explaining what PPP is because, undoubtedly, very few people know what these tiny bumps really are. There’s simply too much confusion out there about these harmless bumps that sufferers get discouraged to seek proper help.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

What Do Girls Think About Pearly Penile Papules?

If you have pearly penile papules — small white bumps around the head of your penis — you are probably worried about what girls will think of it. 

Are there any fans of pearly penile papules? Or is everyone going to run away scared?

Fear of Sexually Transmitted Diseases

There’s no doubt that sexually transmitted diseases are a problem in our society. Getting an STD can cause fertility issues down the line and for some diseases — like herpes — there is no cure.

The problem with pearly penile papules is that its bumps on your penis — and everyone is wary of seeing bumps on the penis since that tends to be a sign of an STD. If you’re with a girl for the first time and she’s never seen the papules before, there’s a good chance that she’s going to think you have an STD, even though these bumps are totally harmless.

Of course, if it’s a girl that you’re in a relationship with and she trusts you, she may believe what you have to say about them. Or she may do some research online and see that they are indeed harmless. But if it’s a girl you just met at a club, there’s a good chance that she’s going to walk.

Getting Used to Pearly Penile Papules

If you’ve decided that you don’t want to do anything to fix the papules, you’re just going to have to live with them. When you’re in a relationship, try to bring them up before you get intimate, so that she doesn’t get surprised or scared when you’re about to do the deed.

A girl who loves you and understands what they are isn’t going to have a problem with it. It will eventually become just another quirky part of what makes you.

What we do know is that pearly penile papules are ubiquitous, are not a disease, and there is no need to be frightened, You may not like them, but they aren’t a health issue, If you don’t like your pearly penile papules, we have a solution.

Best Solution for Pearly Penile Papules

I’ve now discovered an amazing Pearly Penile Papules Removal system that actually works. The really cool part is you can easily do it yourself in the comfort of your own home. It’s 100% natural and it’s been proven to work. 

Finally, you can remove the problem for good and start enjoying life again. You can find it here.

Friday, January 29, 2021

Is Pearly Penile Papules Contagious Or Not?

Pearly penile papules is a disease which affects a large share of men population. Well known for its little bumps situated on the top of the penis, pearly penile papules, or Hirsuties Papillaris Genitalis as it is known in the medical world, is one of those conditions which affect more men’s self-esteem and pride than it actually harms the part of the body where is situated.

One reason for which men are highly terrified about this disease is the fact that their partners may see the little bumps and refuse to have any sexual activity with them until those little bumps will go away.

There is nothing more “painful” for a man than being laughed at or avoided because of some condition their penis has. This is why, if you suffer from penile papules you will want to get rid of them as soon as possible, but until then you will also want your partner to know what exactly is this condition all about.

The first thing you and your partner have to be aware of is that these papules are not contagious. Because it is a skin condition characteristic of men and has no connection with the sexually transmitted disease, the pearly penile papules will not be transmitted through sexual intercourse or any other way. In fact, there is no way through which these small bumps will be transmitted from one partner to another.

To understand it better, let’s make a simple comparison with acne. Both of them are skin conditions and as you will know, acne is not a contagious condition, well neither are those little bumps.

Even though their nature is not the same and the consistency of the bumps present in acne and in pearly penile papules are not the same, this is a good comparison in order for you or your partner to understand better what pearly penile papules are.

Only by making it clear to yourself and your partner that pearly penile papules are not a contagious disease will you be able to make progress in ignoring this condition and move on with your sexual life as if nothing happened.

So, even though it may take a little time to get used to the idea that the papules will be there for a period of time, you still know for sure that they will not affect, you in any way or your partner.

Pearly Penile Papules can be removed majorly with different methods. A surgical option is a very effective way of removing them because it “cuts out” the PPP away instead of trying to cure them.

Another way that many have seen significant success when it comes to pearly penile papules removal is the home removal method. There are lots of treatments available today to remove pearly penile papules.

Some of which are safe and to use, while some of these methods can also cause permanent damage to the penis because of the use of abrasions which should be avoided. Doctors have been known to have warned against the use of creams because they are mostly ineffective. Some very safe home remedies may take time to show results.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

The real question is… how can you remove Pearly penile papules? And is it even possible? Well, here’s the good news… I’ve discovered an all-natural solution that WORKS. You see, not only has it worked for myself… But thousands of guys have removed their pearly penile papules with it as well… so you know you can too. 

Best of all… it’s 100% natural and you can do it yourself in the privacy of your own home. Trust me, you’ll thank me once you’ve used it. You can find out more here.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

How Your Mental Wellbeing is Affected by Pearly Penile Papules and What You Can Do?

Most men consider that their manhood lies in their penis. They name their little friend and treat it like a king. After all, it is the one which makes them men. Yet, what happens when their penis is in trouble?

Well, most of them panic and their safe-esteem reaches alarmist lower values. It is because they feel that their manhood is diminished and that they are no longer the man they used to be.

One of the most common problems men have to face is pearly penile papules. This is a skin condition which affects a large portion of men and it is characterized by the apparition of some small bumps, dome-topped, and having a flashy color. There are located on the top of the penis and are more visible when it is in an erectile state. This is also the time when they become more painful and cause the individual more discomfort.

But apart from that, these little bumps have no serious effect on the patient. They do not affect in any way the sexual performances of the individual, nor do they cause any pain or other symptom which may make this condition unbearable. In fact, there are many people who live with this condition without reporting any type of displeasure (apart, of course, from the aesthetic one).

Yet, there is also a large portion of men who have developed serious psychological problems because of the pearly penile papules. For fear of not being laughed at or even scared of their sexual partners, many men suffering from this condition refuse to interact with persons of the opposite sex and avoid, at all costs ending up in bed with somebody.

This situation, if continued for a long period of time, may give rise to severe anxiety and isolation in the individual. In addition to that, their self-confidence and self-esteem are low, and men suffering from this condition often have a very bad image of themselves.

So, even though pearly penile papules do not have a great physical impact on the individual, they can certainly affect them in a negative way at a psychological level.

What You Can Do?

It’s sad but true… Seeing a doctor about your pearly penile papules is usually a waste of time. More often than not they’re unable to give you any decent answers. Either guessing or telling you things like… “Just live with it. They’re harmless.” YEAH RIGHT. That’s easier said than done when no woman wants to go anywhere near your penis; thinking you have a sexually transmitted disease. So forget seeing the doctor…

Here’s a much better option to consider instead… It’s the system I’ve been telling you about the last few days. It’s the all-natural solution you can use in the comfort of your own home. You can find out more here.

Monday, January 11, 2021

Can I Put Anti Wrinkle Cream on Pearly Penile Papules?

There are a lot of organic and homemade solutions offered everywhere. On the other hand, some procedures, ointments, pills, and creams are not helpful for PPP. 

Not only does it hinder the PPP from disappearing but also the bumps might get swollen and infected.

Anti-Wrinkle Creams Will Wrinkle It

Anti-aging creams are defined as predominantly moisturizer-based cosmetically skin care products which are marketed with the promise of making the consumer look younger by reducing visible wrinkles, expression lines, blemishes, pigmentation changes, discolorations, and other related conditions of the skin.

If you have observed, the list above does not state anything about PPP reduction or anything that would relate to it. People should not confuse the cosmetic condition of PPP with the context of the term “cosmetic” that anti-aging creams are referring to.

One may argue that the toothpaste also does not say that it can be used to remove facial pimples and PPP bumps. However, it just so happens that the ingredients of toothpaste are applicable to the condition while the contents of the anti-wrinkle creams do not.

Your Pearly Penile Papules is not a wrinkle therefore do not apply anti-wrinkle or anti-aging creams on its surface.

In addition, despite the great demand for such creams, many of its products and treatments have not been proven to grant lasting or major positive effects. One study found that the best performing creams claiming they reduced wrinkles by less than 10% over three months have results that are in fact not visible to the human eye.

Another study found that inexpensive moisturizers were as effective as high-priced anti-wrinkle creams. However, recent studies at Manchester University confirmed that some ingredients have a slight effect.

With that said, hopefully, this would serve as a warning because it might infect your PPP if pursued. Below is a testimonial from an anonymous guy who used anti-wrinkle cream before:

“Don’t use certain creams, I stopped treatment for 3 days, went surfing, and applied anti-wrinkle cream with Retinol-A in it. They came back as they were; I think it’s a sign that I’m doing something wrong or it’s just not working.”

Pearly Penile Papules result in low self-esteem and can affect a man’s lifestyle in numerous ways. If you are suffering from the effects of having papules, then it’s time you find out the perfect solution for you:

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

The real question is… how can you remove Pearly penile papules? And is it even possible? Well, here’s the good news… I’ve discovered an all-natural solution that WORKS. You see, not only has it worked for me… But thousands of guys have removed their pearly penile papules with it as well… so you know you can too. 

Best of all… it’s 100% natural and you can do it yourself in the privacy of your own home. Trust me, you’ll thank me once you’ve used it. You can find out more here.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Everything You’ve Ever Heard About Pearly Penile Papules is Wrong!

Do you or someone you know have white little skin-colored bumps on your penis glans? Thousands of men are facing embarrassment over a harmless condition called Pearly Penile Papules, or otherwise known as Hirsuties papillaris genitalis.

While many men have this condition, it’s not something that is well known or easily discussed. Below are some of the common myths about Pearly Penile Papules.

Myth 1: It’s a sexually transmitted disease. Not true. Pearly Penile Papules are a naturally occurring condition that is not caused by disease. It’s not related to sexual activity. You can’t “catch” it from anyone. Virgins can even have these skin-colored bumps on their penis shaft.

Myth 2: You can remove them by scraping them off, freezing them, or burning them off. Not true. Not only are these methods be painful, but they are ineffective and may leave scars. The pearly penile papules will grow back, possibly even bigger.

Myth 3: It is totally harmless and won’t affect you. Not true. Even if your doctor says “you don’t need to worry about it,” Pearly Penile Papules affect every area of your life. You feel embarrassed. It ruins your sex life. Girls won’t buy the “it’s not an STD” argument. You are afraid to change clothes and shower at the gym. People may tease or harass you. Those ugly bumps on your penis can make you a social outcast.

Myth 4: The only effective treatment is laser surgery. Not true. You don’t need to spend thousands of dollars to have a laser remove your Pearly Penile Papules from your penile shaft. There are safe, painless, permanent and affordable solutions that will remove those nasty penis bumps permanently. You can treat yourself in the privacy of your own home. No need to go to the doctor. You don’t have to go through laser surgery. It’s easy and effective.

Myth 5: The only effective treatment is “popping” papules, like popping zits. Not true. When you were young, you might have endured some pimple popping in front of the mirror growing up. Yes, it was gross and yes, it seemed to work. But the pearly penile papules on your penis are not zits. If you squeeze them and pop them, you’ll be under excruciating pain. You’ll find yourself worse off as you’ll have open wounds and sores on your member.

Myth 6: By doing nothing, they will go away. Not true. These papules are a part of you. It’s like having an unsightly black or brown mole on your body. You cannot just expect a mole to fall off or go away over time. If anything, moles seems to get bigger over time and some papules can as well.

If you are sad, embarrassed, and just wishing for a way to be bump free, there is a home remedy that can cure you for good. Plus, this simple home remedy doesn’t have any side effects. No matter what skin type you have, no matter how long you have had those embarrassing bumps, this all-natural cure can rid you of pearly penile papules for good.

And without pearly penile papules your sex life can get back to normal. You can feel normal. You will feel confident and good about how your body looks and works. You won’t have to worry about feeling shunned because people think you have an STD.

So don’t believe all the myths that people spread about Pearly Penile Papules. When people don’t understand the truth and are afraid, they go by hearsay. And sometimes even doctors won’t tell you about home remedies that can cure you just the same.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

How I Cured My Pearly Penile Papules in 5 Days?

So if you are looking for a less risky and yet more effective way for pearly penile papules removal in 5 Days? Click here to find out more about PPP, their causes, prevention and even ways to getting them removed at the comfort of your own home.