Monday, January 30, 2023

Pros and Cons of A CO2 Laser For the Treatment Of Pearly Penile Papules

Pearly penile papules are small bumps of flesh, which appear on the head of the penis. The only medical solution to this skin condition is laser treatment. 

There are many types of lasers and technologies that can be used, the most popular of them being the CO2 laser treatment. This treatment involves using the laser on the affected area and dissolving the bumps. 

However, before undergoing this procedure it is absolutely necessary to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of this technique. If you still do not know too much about this laser treatment, here is some information that may help you make up your mind.

First, you have to know that the surgery is performed under local numbness. The substance which is used for numbing the area is called Lidocaine. If you have had no contact before this surgery with this type of substance, you should ask the doctor to apply some Lidocaine on your hand or another less sensitive part of your body, so that you can be sure you will not develop any allergy to the anesthetic.

Another very important thing that must be known beforehand is the fact that, even though you will not feel any kind of pain during the surgery, once the effects of Lidocaine will fade away, the pain will set in. 

Swallowing and scabbed skin may be the results of the surgery so the period after the surgery will be quite a difficult one. The recovery can take a week or even a month, depending on the way in which your body reacts to the operation. 

Thus, you must be sure that you are able to cope with this thing and that you can deal with the pain that follows the procedure. In addition to that, side effects may appear, which may be permanent.

Last, but not least, you should take into consideration the financial aspect. The procedure itself is quite expensive and in addition to that, you will also have to purchase special medication for the post-surgery treatment. 

Thus, other sums of money must be added. It is a great financial effort that has to be made and you must be sure that you have enough money to purchase everything you need before and after the surgery.

The decision which you have to make is quite difficult. However, before deciding to go for the procedure or live without it, you should discuss it with your doctor and see what the chances are that this procedure will be successful for you.

If you want a safe and effective method that will get you rid of the pearly penile papules without any pain or side effects Click Here

You will learn what to do in order to forget about this skin condition for good in a short amount of time and without any risks.

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Pearly Penile Papules - Explain To Your Partner What They Are

When you wake up one morning and see that small bumps have grown up on the head of your penis, you are certainly shocked, do not know what they are, how they got there, and what should you do in order to treat them. It is absolutely normal to feel like that, just as it is quite normal to feel embarrassed and want to hide the whole deal until you can tell it as a joke to your friends after a beer or two. 

However, there is someone to whom you will have to disclose your secret after all and that person is your partner.

Think about your reaction when you saw the bumps. Now if you felt that way, you can be sure that your partner will not react in a compassionate way if she sees those papules on your penis for the first time, without any previous warning. 

In fact, even though you may expect a certain reaction, it will certainly be painful when she will laugh at you or on the contrary, will be so scared that will not even want to touch you. This is why you will have to explain to her beforehand what those bumps are.

You should have an open discussion, where you will tell her that the pearly penile papules are not an STD, not even a contagious disease, so she has nothing to be afraid of. 

Also, explaining to her that this is only a skin condition that appears for no other reason but the bad function of your own body will probably calm her and avoid some useless tensions which may appear between you two. 

If necessary, show her pictures from the internet, so that she can compare them with the skin condition you are suffering from and see that there is no connection between those bumps and the ones caused by STD.

If you have a life partner, with whom you share both the good and the bad things it should not be so difficult and she will probably understand. Those who do not have a constant partner will experience some trouble in explaining their condition, but it is better to prevent it than having to face a reaction that will severely affect your image and your self-esteem.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

How I Cured My Pearly Penile Papules in 5 Days?

Instead of troubling yourself about what others will say when seeing your little friend invaded by papules you should treat this condition fast and easily. 

Learn how you can get rid of pearly penile papules forever by Clicking Here. You will never have to worry about those bumps ever again.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Penile Papule and STDs

There is a definite difference between penile papules and STDs. Most will be quite shocked to learn that having a papule can mean a number of different things, and it doesn't always mean that a man is infected with a disease that can be spread by sexual contact. Many times, a man with a growth on his penis may actually have a benign condition that didn't result from a contagious illness.

A penile papule that is not the result of infection may be caused by a skin issue known as a pearly penile papule. Men who have this condition will display raised bumps around the head of the penis. 

Because the etiology of this skin condition is mostly unknown, many sexual partners may be confused as to why growth may be present on the penis. To understand why these growths occur, it is necessary to understand the difference between STDs and a penile papule.

Persons who have an STD have picked up an infectious organism from a sexual encounter with a partner that contracted the disease. Many STDs can cause additional health concerns, so it is necessary to find out which particular STD it is that has been contracted. 

STDs can be caused by viruses, bacteria, or parasites and can quite easily be passed to a partner through sexual contact. This is where the difference lies between STDs and papules.

Papules occur when the skin around the head of the penis starts to grow continuously to the point where small, raised areas are present all around the circumference of the penis. When several of these growths become visible, many men will seek the assistance of a medical care provider. 

Once these growths are tested and observed by a doctor, it is discovered that they are not the result of an STD, but the product of the pearly penile papule skin disorder.

Having the disorder does not mean that the man will develop any other health concerns like those of people that have untreated STDs. The main concern with papules is purely aesthetic. Many men who have the disorder are not concerned and go on to have very happy and satisfying sex lives.

For men that are very concerned that their penile growths are causing issues with their sexual encounters, making an appointment with a physician can help to calm their concerns. 

There are treatment options available that will effectively remove the lesions, but there is still a chance that the growth will return. This can be discussed with the doctor.

How To Permanently Remove Pearly Penile Papules?

If you want nothing more than to get rid of your pearly penile papules and get your sex life back (or for the first time), then this is by far the most important page you’ll ever read.

The Pearly Penile Papules Removal™ system will help you:

  • Remove your Pearly Penile Papules in the privacy of your own home.
  • You won’t need to tell anyone that you have Pearly Penile Papules.
  • To get your Sex life back with confidence!
  • Avoid the potential embarrassment of having all your friends know about your “little bumps”.
  • You won’t need costly laser surgery or become dependent upon seeing a doctor for help.
  • You’ll get Permanent Results without the risk of scare or pain.
  • You’ll have an all-natural Pearly Penile Papules removal system that has no side effects.
  • You’ll get a proven Pearly Penile Papules removal system that works on any skin type.
  • Stop Worrying and start enjoying your sex life!

Learn More

Monday, January 16, 2023

Why Your Pearly Penile Papules Won't Go Away?

Those bumps running rings around the head of your penis are not only ugly, but they could also be embarrassing. Many people confuse them for hepatitis, a dreaded sexually transmitted disease. 

Some ladies will ask, are those not warts you have? Others will just say how disgusting the bumps are. And yet, some others would scream, "I am not touching that". Some would just bolt out of the room. These pimples are treatable and there are many methods out there. 

These include using natural oils, surgery like CO2 laser therapy, and the use of a Hyfrecator. With all these methods, many people still go about with Pearly Penile Papules(PPP) and they seem unable to get rid of it. Hereunder are reasons why your PPP won't go away.

Sufferers of pearly penile papules suffer in silence and they get embarrassed by the opposite sex when they have enough courage to expose their member to the opposite sex. PPP suffers have experienced situations where their partners desert them in anger and frustration. One needs to experience it to know how humiliating it is.

But then, they do not have to suffer in silence because Pearly Papules is treatable. You can stop the shame. Unfortunately, some people still live with it when they can get rid of it cheaply and permanently.

So, why won't your PPP not go away?

First, it won't go away just yet if you do not do anything about it. Problems are to be solved and PPP is a health challenge. Yes, it will not kill you, but for how many years are you going to keep it under your pants? For how long will you deny yourself the sexual pleasure you are entitled to? So, if you do not have the will, the yellow dome-shaped bumps will stay put.

Of course, if you are looking toward surgery, it may take you years to remove your Pearly Penile Papules. This is more so if you are like many who cannot afford the astronomical cost of CO2 laser surgery which dances around $2000. That is if you are ready for the risk of pain and post-operation stress. Remember that surgery is a 50:50 chance, you may end up rendering your penis useless.

Also, If you are one of those people trying some really unorthodox methods you may not only fail to remove your PPP, you may end up harming your penis. Run in the other direction when you hear of any of these methods. You must not try any of these dangerous methods. 

All of them will harm your member. I am talking of methods like using a pressing iron, soldering iron, and hot poker. Do not cut, scrape, pick or dig. And do not use caustic chemicals like Chlorine, Ammonia, Bleach, Oven cleaner, Gasoline, or Aspirin. 

For the benefit of undiscerning PPP sufferers, manufactures of these chemicals should have printed on their labels a warning in red screaming "Dangerous to your penis"

Using natural oils like tea tree, castor oil, or even toothpaste and even weak Iodine solution like Lugol's iodine do help but they do not give a completely holistic approach to removing PPP. 

So, what you get is at best a partial removal that may not endure, Therefore,, completely relying on a one-step homemade remedy may make your PPP linger and maybe a reason why it won't go away.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

How I Cured My Pearly Penile Papules in 5 Days?

So if you are looking for a less risky and yet more effective way for pearly penile papules removal in 5 Days? 

Click here to find out more about PPP, their causes, prevention, and even ways to get them removed in the comfort of your own home. 

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

What are the Most Commonly Tried PPP Treatments Just How Effective are They?

Given that those suspect-looking bumps that are penile pearly papules are commonly mistaken for STDs such as herpes or genital warts, it's not surprising that men who have them are super keen to find an effective treatment for penile papules removal.

After all, what woman wants to risk intimacy with an unusually bumpy penis that appears to be afflicted with some type of infection or disease?

So what are the most commonly tried pearly penile papules treatments just how effective are they?

Penile Pearly Papules are considered to be a "normal" growth on the body, just like moles and freckles, and it is well documented that pearly penile papules are not responsive to topical or oral treatments - this includes freezing treatments and wart removal products.

Why not?

Research has shown that penile pearly papules do not hold any viral characteristics, therefore, they are not an STD, and products that are effective in treating warts and other HPV infections by attacking their viral characteristics are not effective on penile pearly papules.

Those who have tested wart removal creams report that these types of products just dry out the skin and irritate the affected area. They do not make penile pearly papules diminish, let alone make them disappear for good.

Freezing, another popular method for the removal of warts and various other skin lesions has also proven to be ineffective in the removal of pearly penile papules.

The treatment method for wart removal via freezing is a painful one that involves the application of liquid nitrogen at a temp of 196 degrees centigrade sub-zero, which causes the skin to blister below the wart. Ouch! The blister then forms a crust and falls off within a couple of weeks.

In addition to the pain of this experience, with freezing comes the risks of scarring, damage to the underlying tissues such as tendons or nerves, and also the risk of experiencing a secondary infection.

The effect of freezing on penile pearly papules is different, and most who have undergone this treatment in an effort to get rid of penile papules do not achieve the result they had hoped for. Instead, this painful experience simply dries out the treated area, causes irritation, and has little or no effect on the pearly penile papules.

Another alternative that has proven to be quite effective is co2 laser treatment for pearly penile papules. However, being surgery of course there are risks involved, and this is an expensive treatment option that can cost up to $3000.

Before you give up hope of ever finding a suitable treatment method and start trying to pick your pearly papules off by hand (yes, many people do try it!)...

If you would prefer to deal with your embarrassing bumps in the privacy of your own home, the Pearly Penile Papules Removal system is a natural, pain-free treatment for removing penile papules that promises permanent results and works in just 5 days. It's non-surgical, so it won't leave any scarring on your "man friend" and it is very affordable.

So if you are looking for a less risky and yet more effective way for pearly penile papules removal in 5 Days? 

Click here to find out more about PPP, their causes, prevention, and even ways to get them removed in the comfort of your own home.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Medical Treatment for Pearly Penile Papules

After you have learned about the meaning of Pearly Penile Papules and have understood its distinction among the common misconceptions, let us now discuss thoroughly the medical aids for PPP. Although you are now aware that it is a benign condition, it is equally vital to get ideas on how to remove it. 

The following are medical methods that are said to eradicate PPP:

1. CO2 Laser

It is one of the processes done to alleviate anxiety and boost confidence among men. The CO2 or the Carbon Dioxide Laser is created to vaporize the papules without harming the penis's skin. The recovery is said to range from one to two weeks. However, like any other surgery, there are risks involved in this operation. General surgical risks include infection, swelling, inflammation, hematoma, scarring, bruising, and numbness.

Another doubtful factor about this surgery is that the papules only significantly diminish and do not guarantee that they will be removed completely and permanently.

The procedure starts off with the doctor cleansing the genital or the papules' spot afterward a topical anesthetic cream is applied for 30 to 60 minutes. Then, a ring block of Lidocaine is cupped around the base of the penis so that the numbing process would truly takes effect. The next step is the CO2 laser is used to burn each PPP carefully.

Once the treatment is done, recuperation is not entirely easy. There will be some redness, swelling, crusting and scabbing, and mild stinging or discomfort for the first few days but may last for several more days. This hinders the patients to go back to work immediately and if the wounds are not very well taken care of, they might get worse.

2. Radio Surgery

Likewise, Radio Surgery is another option to remove PPP. Most surgeons or doctors guarantee that there will be no after-effects, no scarring, or bleeding. It is a radio frequency and thus uses radio waves instead of electricity. In this way, there is minimal damage to surrounding tissues. But obviously, there is still the danger of damage.

Radio Surgery is also used for other benign skin complications including skin tags, warts, moles, sebaceous hyperplasia, and molluscum contagiosum. Before the surgery, 30% of the numbing cream called Lidocaine is applied to the treatment area.

The recovery period is said to last for seven to ten days which is really a long period of time in one's daily busy life. The downside of radiosurgery is not everyone can be accommodated specifically a person who has a history of keloids, hypertrophic scarring, and diabetes (which the majority of the population have).

Another disappointing aspect of radiosurgery is that there is no clear explanation of what radio waves can do to one's body. It does not automatically mean that if it is not electricity, it will be safer for our health. So before you consider this as an option for your operation, you better think twice and think harder.

The most downside of such treatment is that its price is similarly costly to CO2 Layer. This is definitely only for the luxurious and the rich people and those who would go the extra mile to throw away a large amount of cash. 

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

How I Cured My Pearly Penile Papules in 5 Days?

So if you are looking for a less risky and yet more effective way for pearly penile papules removal in 5 Days? 

Click here to find out more about PPP, their causes, prevention, and even ways to get them removed in the comfort of your own home. 

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Effective Pearly Penile Papules Removal

Are you disturbed daily by the PPP that appears on your penis and you simply hope for a miracle to happen and remove the Pearly Penile Papules? Well, you are not alone. The fact is, most people, precisely 25% of the male population have PPP and not many have found a way to have them removed.

Before we go into Penile Papules removal in detail, I want you to note that PPP is not a form of disease nor is it a form of the HPV virus.

Having PPP is totally normal and healthy. They do not pose any form of threat or harm to your health and they are also not infectious. This is important because, in the end, it will help you make an informed decision if you should have them removed or treated.

Most men are afraid that their partners will think or associate their PPP with genital warts during intimacy. because of this, Most sufferers usually tend to suffer from a lack of sexual confidence, which usually takes a toll on their self-esteem and affects their confidence in front of the ladies.

Having said that let's talk about how it can be removed.

Pearly Penile Papules can be removed majorly with 2 different methods.

A surgical option is a very effective way of removing them because it "cuts out" the PPP away instead of trying to "treat" or cure them.

Since it arises from deep tissues, treatment choices involve removing many layers of skin through Lasers, Electrical current, Freezing, Cutting

The advanced technology has made it possible to target micro papules that are affected only without torching the "unaffected" area. Thereby giving you a nice clean, papules-free penis without any signs of scarring after surgery.

However pearly penile papules surgery is costly, it could cost a few thousand dollars at times. Another factor about pearly penile papules surgery is the temporary sore and swollen penis cost the surgery due to the papules being "cut". Though it takes about 2 weeks to heal the swell and pain.

Another way that many have seen significant success when it comes to pearly penile papules removal is the home removal method.

There are lots of home remedies available today to remove pearly penile papules. some of which are safe to use, While some of these methods can also cause permanent damage to the penis because of the use of abrasions which should be avoided.

Doctors have been known to warn against the use of creams and lotions because they are mostly ineffective. Some very safe natural remedies may take time to show results.

However Here are two home remedies you can use to remove it:

Tea Tree Oil and Castor Oil

Castor oil is one of the very few effective remedies that you may want to try. It should be applied to dry, clean skin so make sure you wash and dry your penis area thoroughly before you apply treatment, also make sure your hands are clean and dry), you should use a cotton wool ball or pad. Apply a little amount and make sure you coat all of the papules properly with the oil. 

After which you should then allow it to dry before covering the area. This method of treatment can be very effective if you can repeat it up to four times a day for several weeks. You need to be patient, most home remedies need patience because they can take some time before you start to notice results.

So if you are looking for a less risky and yet more effective way for pearly penile papules removal in 3 Days? Click on the link below to find out more about PPP, its causes, prevention, and even ways to get them removed in the comfort of your own home.

Click for more information

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Pearly Penile Papules are Not a Sexually Transmitted Disease

The first time a man sees his penis invaded by little bumps, with fleshy texture and color he normally panics. It is not easy for any man to accept that he will have to live with those bumps on their most precious possession for all their life. 

Yet, once this chock has passed away, a new question arises in their mind: where they have gotten those pearly penile papules. Although somehow legitimate taking into consideration the fact that this is their first encounter with this condition, the question is not worth too much thinking. 

The reason: pearly penile papules are not taken from somebody, but rather developed by your own body, more precisely by your own skin.

Thus, if you were thinking about knocking on the door of each and every one of your sexual partners, well stop doing that before you make a fool of yourself as pearly penile papules is not a sexually transmitted disease, but a skin condition that is developed only by men and which is located on the top of your penis. 

So, your sexual partners are not responsible for you having this condition and you, in your turn, can be tranquil cause you did not spread the condition.

Many people have this fear that pearly penile papules are STD, but what they do not know is that, because is a skin condition that has nothing to do with sexual intercourse, it can also appear in virgin men, who have never had any sexual intercourse. 

There are even twelve-year boys suffering from this condition so it does not have any relation with age or with the number of sexual partners you have had so far.

Moreover, pearly penile papules are a condition that is exclusively caused by our body and which will stay only on your body, more precisely on your penis for a long period of time, until, with time it will start disappearing. 

Other than the unpleasant aspect and minor pain during intercourse, these papules have no other type of effects and unless you develop any psychological condition because of them, you can live your life normally, as if they were not there.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

How I Cured My Pearly Penile Papules in 5 Days?

So if you are looking for a less risky and yet more effective way for pearly penile papules removal in 5 Days? 

Click here to find out more about PPP, their causes, prevention, and even ways to get them removed in the comfort of your own home. 

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Pearly Penile Papules Removal, Does It Work?

I must confess that I am not afflicted with Pearly Penile Papules so I am not going to tell you that I have used this product or another to cure mine. However, I have every reason to review this product which I came across by accident.

By accident, because when a younger friend of mine, Donald, had these dome-topped bumps around the head of his penis neither he nor I knew what they were. Of course, like many sufferers, we thought it was a Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD). 

Visits to medic revealed my little friend had Pearly Penile Papules and that he should not be too concerned as it is not life-threatening. What an understatement.

True, Pearly Penile Papules does not kill but the trauma it gives Donald is only imaginable. Anyway, they recommended surgery which will make my little friend a couple of thousands of dollars poorer. No dice he said, there must be another way out and the journey for a natural solution started.

You see, Donald, my friend is much younger. At almost 60, I could easily father him. In fact, my first son is older than him but Donald is my buddy. We put together and we club together. 

If you saw me coming out of my car Friday or Saturday evening, you could bet your last dollar Joe would be coming out of the other door. So it was not strange I was the first person he consulted when these devilish bumps appeared on the head of his penis. And was I scared? They were menacing.

So we started asking questions and surfing the internet. Joe was lucky, the first natural treatment we tried was Pearly Penile Papules Removal and it worked like magic. In fact, it cleared the bumps, you would wonder if it put them there in the first instance.

I was so impressed; I decided to review the book having read it and seen it work.

This digital book started off by defining what Pearly Penile Papules are and what it is not. It is not a Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD). It is not generic so you cannot inherit it and it is not transmittable. 

Coupled with this is the fact that similar, look-alike but different diseases are treated. It might interest you to know that This affliction is not the same as Sebaceous Cysts and Genital Warts both of which look like it

Options You Have To Remove It

Two Major Options To Treat Pearly Penile Papules Are Discussed

Medical Option. 

The book treats orthodox medical options available to sufferers of Pearly Penile Papules also called (Hirsuties Papillaris Genitalis). Three options are treated here but you are warmed because they will leave you a couple of thousands of dollars poorer because they are all surgeries. 

This is not to mention the pain, discomfort, and the fact that the success rate is not 100%, meaning the dreaded bumps may reappear again. Among the methods is the popular CO2 laser surgery.

Natural Methods.

Then you have the natural methods which are the main focus of this book. Four major never-fail methods are treated while another chapter treats what the author calls the "others method".

Now, since the four major methods work the "others" will not be necessary.

The difference between the four major natural treatments is in the form of materials and application. And oh yes, the author says some remove the bumps faster than others. 

In Donald's case, there was no need to try all; he used the first of the four major methods to rid his penis of the dreaded bumps. To be sure, the fourth method was just discovered and it removes them just as well as the earlier three.

Does It Work? 

Absolutely yes. It worked for my little friend and a host of others who has used the product as attested to by numerous testimonials.

What I like In The Book.

  • Costs little to nothing to carry out. Within anybody's pocket.
  • Apart from the fact that the book does what it says by removing Pearly Penile Papules naturally, painlessly, and permanently, the book goes out of its way to throw light on some cloudy issues such as other diseases people are confused with it. For example, the book makes it clear that Fordyce's spots and the disease are not the same even though they look much alike.
  • The book is easy to read with illustrations.
  • The author even gives treatment for other diseases. To me, this is a bonus.
  • The methods are damn simple; you may not believe they will work.
  • The book comes with no questions-asked-iron-clad guarantee and being sold by Clickbank, the e-book giant, buyers are completely protected because the author will not be paid for your purchase until the expiration of the guarantee period. Deals do not come fairer than that.

My Dislikes

The simplicity of the methods may work against the book. When you discover the methods, you may wonder why you haven't thought of them. Not to bother, thousands like you have not thought of it either.

The top of the sales page claims the method removes Pearly Penile Papules in three days. The author should not have made a sweeping statement like this. The methods sure work but it may take longer depending on the severity of the disease and the diligence of the application of the method.

Even at that, I think the sales page should have come stronger considering that the methods work. Any claim the sales page makes no matter how persuasive will be ethical since the product works 100% of the time.

Conclusion. This product is effective.

My Advice

If you are tired of Pearly Penile Papules, sick of seeing those embarrassing bumps that have lowered your self-esteem in the presence of pretty ladies and which had probably made you celibate out of frustration, you may want to try this product. It is painless and it is permanent. 

What is more, it is pocket friendly. It worked for my little friend Donald, there is no reason why it will not work for you.