Friday, November 12, 2021

Pearly Penile Papules Home Remedies — Top 3 Home Remedies

Pearly penile papules also called hirsuitoid papillomas or hirsuties coronae glandis are a very common skin disorder that is also quite normal especially in men at a younger age and those who have been circumcised. 

Characterized by rows of small white pearly or flesh-colored protrusions arranged neatly along the base of the corona or glans of the penis, these papules are harmless and usually disappear over a period of time.

These are not at all contagious and as most fear, these are not a disease or sexually transmitted conditions. One has to be clear that these are only normal skin disorders.

Pearly Penile Papules Home Remedies

Always there are natural ways to cure any disease but, the drug mafia will never promote it and they defame every natural treatment as unscientific. However, they themselves may use natural methods to treat. Home remedy for Pearly PP could remove penis bumps permanently. It will cost you almost nothing as you could find all the remedies in your kitchen rack.

Some examples of PPP do-it-yourself removal are as follows.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is one of the common methods used to eliminate penile papules. This oil is a common natural remedy for many conditions as it is antibacterial, antifungal as well as contains many other healing properties.

Many men with penile papules that have tried using tea tree oil to treat these bumps have experienced a significant reduction in these tiny bumps which certainly makes it worth considering. This is not only an effective natural treatment but it is also cheap and comes with few or no side effects when applied to the penis.

When using tea tree oil, clean the area first to ensure that there will be nothing on the skin that will interfere with the activity of tea tree oil. Place a few drops of tea tree oil on a cotton swab and gently wipe the affected area. 

It may tingle but it shouldn’t be more than you can bear. If you prefer, you can also dilute the tea tree oil in another carrier oil such as olive oil, sweet almond oil, apricot kernel oil or castor oil that is discussed below.

If used without dilution, the area will not be oily but if you dilute this essential oil in a carrier oil, there may be some oiliness that you will have to deal with. Apply this to the penis 3 times a day and give it time to work because the results may take some time. Although this is a relatively safe natural remedy, do not use it if you are allergic to tea trees and do not ingest tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is toxic when ingested.

2. Castor Oil

Castor oil is another common remedy that is used as a natural treatment for various diseases and conditions. Castor oil like tea tree oil is antifungal and antibacterial and also contains many other healing properties which are why it is one of the best ways how to get rid of penile papules at home.

This is a thick oil and the method of application is similar to that used for the tea tree oil. You can even combine the two if you wish. The only difference in application is that when you use castor oil, you want to ensure that you cover the area with a bandage, plastic wrap, etc, to keep the oil from transferring somewhere else. Apply a thin layer to the area and cover. It is not necessary to cover tea tree oil because it is quickly absorbed into the skin.

3. Use of AHA

Alpha hydroxy acid or AHA is usually sold in cream form, which is then applied specifically on the PPP. Although the chemical is low level, it manages to peel off the skin, causing pearly penile papules removal. 

For this reason, spreading AHA on any other part of the skin is discouraged. Although the method has been known to be effective, it might be safer to go for more natural methods as the risk is likely not worth the effort.

Last, but not least, these homemade remedies can be done at home, so that you will avoid all that exposure and the embarrassment which comes with it. If you stick to the methods which have already been proved effective, you have all the chances of getting rid of pearly penile papules without ever visiting a doctor or showing anyone your condition. This is one of the biggest reasons for which men will go for homemade remedies rather than for medical procedures.

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How I Cured My Pearly Penile Papules in 5 Days?

So if you are looking for a less risky and yet more effective way for pearly penile papules removal in 5 Days? 

Click here to find out more about PPP, their causes, prevention, and even ways to get them removed in the comfort of your own home.

Pros and Cons of Surgery for Pearly Penile Papules

There are a number of pros and cons when considering surgery for pearly penile papules. As with most minor surgical procedures, the odds of coming out of surgery with a positive result are very good, but there are a number of risks that patients will need to know before electing to go under the knife or laser. 

Understanding both the good and the bad when considering surgery for papules will allow patients to make an educated choice on their treatment options.

Permanent Removal of Papules

Pearly penile papules are growths that appear around the head of the penis. These growths are non-life-threatening and are more of an aesthetic nuisance than anything else. For those men that are concerned about how these papules make their penises appear, surgery may seem like the best option. 

Surgery does result in complete removal of the growths and will leave the penis appearing as though it never had anything done to it. However, there are a number of problems that could result from having surgery.

Pain with Surgery

Surgery involves having the papules cut off of the penis. The surgical instrument used to cut the papules is a scalpel. Numbing anesthetics are used to decrease the feeling in the penis while it is being cut, but some men do report that they are able to feel some amount of pressure as the procedure is being done. While this may make some men a little leery when considering surgery, it is encouraging to know that most men report no great amount of pain with the procedure.

Infections After the Procedure

Having surgery means that the integrity of the skin will be affected. Any time a puncture or incision is made into the skin, there is a risk that the incision will develop a bacterial infection. This risk is increased when men do not allow adequate healing time between surgery and participating in sexual activity. 

There is usually a healing period that is required from the time that the surgery takes place and the time when sexual activity can be resumed. Those men that follow their doctor’s recommendations will have an easier time recovering.

While it may seem that there are more cons to surgery than pros, keep your original reason for electing surgery in mind. Having the papules removed will allow patients to experience sexual activity without the risk of worrying if their partners feel uncomfortable with the appearance of their penis. The choice to have surgery is up to you. If you need more information about the procedure, contact your physician for details.

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How I Cured My Pearly Penile Papules in 5 Days?

So if you are looking for a less risky and yet more effective way for pearly penile papules removal in 5 Days? 

Click here to find out more about PPP, their causes, prevention, and even ways to get them removed in the comfort of your own home.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Latest Update on What Causes Pearly Penile Papules and How to Treat It

Are you wondering what causes pearly penile papules? If you are, it may be because you have noticed the presence of these small areas. You may think you do. The good news is that they are fairly common and occur in about 25 percent of all men.

The condition is not one that has any serious health consequences and that means there is nothing to worry about if you do have them. However, because they can create an embarrassing situation for many men, it is a good idea to talk to a provider about them so you can get rid of them.

The Causes

What causes pearly penile papules? The good news is that they do not come from any type of sexually transmitted condition. In fact, they are just a normal part of the body for some people.

Just as your body may have freckles or you may have oddly shaped toes, this is a difference that some men have in their physical makeup. As a normal anatomic variant, it is important to understand that though they do occur in many men, they do not have to remain there. You can get rid of them.

Some things to keep in mind:

They are not contagious to other people.

  • This condition does not pose any type of health risk to you even though they look like other types of sexually transmitted diseases.
  • You cannot get them from having sex or give them to someone else in this act.
  • They are not a form of cancer and there is no long-term risk of developing cancer as a result of having them.
  • They are not warts and do not have any of the health risks or complications associated with warts.
  • They do not cause any difference in performance in a sexual environment. They do not affect a man’s fertility either.
  • They are not the result of poor hygiene. If you have them, it does not mean you are failing to care for your body.

When asking, “what causes pearly penile papules?” the fact is, there is no true understanding of what the actual cause is. It may be hereditary factors. You may have this condition just because your genes say you should have it. 

If you notice these small, dome-shaped bumps on your skin or thread-like areas, do not be alarmed by them. There is no risk to you as a result of having them. The problem is not one that you have to live with, though. You can find treatment options for getting rid of them or lessening their overall presence.

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How to Get Rid of Pearly Penile Papules — Cure PPP in 5 Days (100% GUARANTEED WITH PROOF)

So if you are looking for a less risky and yet more effective way for pearly penile papules removal in 5 Days? 

Click here to find out more about PPP, their causes, prevention, and even ways to get them removed in the comfort of your own home.